A glance over types of cement in India
Cement is a powder made by calcining clay, lime and mixed with water to make mortar or mixed with sand, gravel and other substances to form a concrete mixture which is used in application over surfaces. Generally the cement used in India is ordinary Portland cement. This cement comes in different grades which would be discussed later. Ordinary Portland cement is the most common powder preferred by engineers and architects. Because of its concreteness and hardness, this cement is preferred over pozzolanic cement. The ordinary Portland cement comes in grades such as 33 grade Portland cement, 43 and 53. The most commonly used amidst these is the 33 grade Portland cement because of its hydration process and low heat emission. Elaborating these types of cement grades : 1. 33 grade cement- as stated above, it is the most commonly used cement by the architect engineers. Used worldwide, it is very hard mixes fell with water and its rigidity increases with time. 2. 43 g